Garden Berry Ice Cream - A Great Summer Treat!

This summer I have been very busy with my new kitchen. We are not done yet and there is still some tile and trim work left to be done along with some finishing touches here and there. Three month have passed since we’ve started our project, and I can tell you now - if I would know how much effort this may take, I would probably think twice before starting this renovation. But now I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I just can’t wait to cook a gourmet meal in my new kitchen and have a nice, long dinner with my friends.


4th of July Recipe Ideas

Dishes for special occasions

"To roast some beef, to carve a joint with neatness,
To boil up sauces, and to blow the fire,
Is anybody's task: he who does this
Is but a seasoner and broth-maker.
A cook is quite another thing. His mind
Must comprehend all facts and circumstances;
Where is the place, and what the time of supper;
Who are the quests, and who the entertainer;
What fish he ought to buy, and where to buy it."


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